Baby Weighs 5 Pounds at 34 Week Gestation

34 week midwife appt and baby estimated to be 5lbs 8oz already - is this big??

(24 Posts)

singingpinkmonkey Thu 24-Nov-sixteen 12:26:21


But come up dorsum from my 34 calendar week midwife date and from my measurements the baby is looking like he weighs 5lb 8oz at this phase. Just wondered if this is considered large for this phase or how it compares to other ladies?
I know it's not entirely authentic only am just interested to encounter how big my baby is likely to be. I'thou 5ft 10 so he may exist tall like me!

mouldycheesefan Thu 24-Nov-16 12:28:09

What did the midwife say when you asked her?

MissBattleaxe Thu 24-November-xvi 12:28:13

Doesn't audio as well alarming. My DS was 7lb viii at 36 weeks and weighed 9.8lb at nativity!

Nikki2ol6 Thu 24-Nov-16 12:xxx:10

I'm guessing this is from your graph?
Where did the midwife put the dot on your chart? Is it inbetween the lines?

Hellmouth Thu 24-November-16 12:30:58

i'one thousand sure my DS weighed nearly the aforementioned at 34 weeks. He was 8lb 11oz at nascence (born at 42 weeks exactly). He'due south well-nigh v months but already filling out 6-ix calendar month dress. I'm a brusk arse, just in that location are tall people in my family, and DP is tall.

singingpinkmonkey Thu 24-Nov-16 12:31:19

The midwife just said that he was in the range he was supposed to be and at that place was no concern. She also told me that the estimates are not e'er accurate. Information technology'due south not like I'm worried, just curious every bit information technology's my first baby so this is all new!

littleostrich Thu 24-Nov-16 12:33:l

My DS was born at 34 weeks and he weighed 5lb 14oz, which they did say was adequately large! But at my previous midwife appointment she did say he'd had a "growth spurt".

stealthbanana Thu 24-Nov-16 12:39:48

I had a scan today at 34+five and was told mine was measuring just nether 7lbs! - I am currently freaking out!

WappersReturns Thu 24-November-16 12:42:07

My DS2 was born at 34 weeks at 6lb 4oz! He would have been a whopper if he had gone total term!

smEGGnogg Thu 24-Nov-16 12:44:30

Kel1234 Thu 24-Nov-16 12:46:37

My lo was 6lb 7oz at birth. Only I simply measured xxx weeks at 37 weeks. Tin can't remember what the weight was though.

Nikki2ol6 Thu 24-Nov-sixteen 12:52:38

Well I wouldn't go from that measurement too much as it can alter depending on the position of the baby. Mine went really big last fourth dimension and I'm sure my infant was sticking his bum out because the next time it was back down again and he was built-in 7lbs9 so don't worry

Annabrooke90 Thu 24-Nov-16 21:05:08

Those estimates are not accurate at all. Only my ds4 was built-in at 34 weeks and he was 5ib 15oz.

Darcourse Thu 24-Nov-xvi 21:ten:53

Is this just from midwife measuring your bump or a scan? Fifty-fifty browse estimates are wildly inaccurate permit alone measuring a crash-land so I would have it with a compression of salt.

Whatsername17 Thu 24-November-16 21:xix:58

I had a scan yesterday at 31+five and my baby was measuring at 32+6 and weighing an estimated 4lb4oz! I'k freaking out!

LittleLionMansMummy Friday 25-Nov-16 00:12:28

Tape measurements tin can be hugely inaccurate op because it won't business relationship for the baby's position or how much is fluid etc. Scans are more accurate but even they aren't 100%. My 34 calendar week growth scan put mine at 6lbs and they didn't seem worried. My first infant was 8lbs so this one was ever likely to exist bigger - I reckon 9lbs.

ladylambkin Fri 25-Nov-16 00:21:twenty

I had a scan with DD at 33 weeks and they thought she was around 7lbs at that indicate. I was induced ii weeks before my due date and she was 9lbs 6oz at birth

CaminanteNoHayCamino Fri 25-Nov-16 00:24:twoscore

Whatsername, my son was born at 31+4 weighing 4lb2oz - zilch to be freaked out virtually at all. Believe you lot me, that is not big. If the worst happens and you accept a premature labour yous volition be very glad to have a healthy weight baby every bit they will practise far better. I'grand sure y'all won't though!

GiddyOnZackHunt Fri 25-Nov-16 00:29:01

My ds was a 5lb 10oz baby at 35 weeks. They may put on 0.5 lb a calendar week. Y'all might have a 9lb babe. Or a tall 7lb infant.

chipmonkey Fri 25-Nov-sixteen 00:36:03

Ds3 was 5lb 3oz at 32 weeks. Ds1, ds2 and ds4 were all around 9lb fullterm. Dd was 2lb 3oz at 28 weeks.

neversleepagain Friday 25-November-16 16:54:44

My twins were 5lb4 a d 5lb8 at 34 weeks.

Silversun83 Friday 25-Nov-16 20:57:01

My DD was estimated to be 5lbs 8oz at I think 34+4.. She somewhen made an appearance at 41+5 at 8lbs 8oz so my browse was fairly accurate. I'm only v'4 though and weighed nearly 8.five rock earlier pregnancy and have a pretty small frame and then she was pretty large for my size.. I ended up having an EMCS anyway only the consultant who saw me in labour very accurately judged her size just from feeling my bump and said she would be too big to nascence myself without the help of either forceps or ventouse..

At your summit though you'd probably exist okay with a similarly-weighted baby! And if DD had been on time she probably would have been a scrap more than manageable! ;)

Becciilouisex3 Fri 25-Nov-xvi 23:32:05

Honestly I wouldn't necessarily take any detect of a weight estimated by the bump size. They're known to be super unreliable and were dangerously so in my case.

I was measuring slightly in a higher place the 90th so predicted an 8ish pound DS but considering my crash-land was the "right size" they never sent me for any growth scans and missed the fact that I had excess fluid and a smaller baby. I should have been monitored equally DS was really growing around the 10th centile and they would have told me I needed a hospital birth due to his size and needing to be monitored. I was booked in for a birth at a midwife unit with no doctors on site. Luckily, my waters broke first and no contractions for a while and then I had to go into infirmary to labour.
I have a major chip on my shoulder about crash-land measuring which conspicuously isn't obvious at all grin
If baby is that size at this point that'southward totally normal though! And I should betoken out I was told my state of affairs is rare, information technology is ordinarily picked upwardly so I'm sure you lot're absolutely fine! You're growing a piffling life and no matter what size, they'll be here before long enough, skilful luck! smile flowers

LittleLionMansMummy Sat 26-Nov-16 07:51:40

Hi again op. Came back to say that my growth scan (merely not record measurements) was pretty accurate. Our footling daughter was born yesterday weighing in at 8lbs 14oz - a very healthy size but not unmanageable! Good luck.

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